Non-Directive Pregnancy Counselling

What is the Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling Medicare Item?

Medicare Item 81000 offers support to women who are currently pregnant or have been pregnant in the past 12 months, who have emotional, social, or practical concerns related to the pregnancy and would benefit from counselling. Support is available regardless of the outcome of the pregnancy. The Pregnancy Support Counselling Medicare Item covers up to three sessions of more than 30 minutes each with a psychologist per pregnancy.

What is Non-Directive Pregnancy Support Counselling? 

Pregnancy support counselling offered by psychologists is supportive, non-judgmental, confidential and unbiased. The assumption underlying the counselling process is that the woman herself is in the best position to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, and may be supported in this by a psychologist using reflective, empathic techniques to help the woman gain clarity about her situation. Psychologists using this Medicare item are trained to support a woman through a range of pregnancy-related issues, and to provide information about the options and services relevant to her pregnancy concerns or support for her baby after the birth.

Females find pregnancy support counselling helpful for a number of pregnancy-related issues, such as:

  • Making decisions and exploring possible options about her pregnancy
  • Coming to terms with unexpected outcomes (e.g., stillbirth, miscarriage, genetic conditions, problems at birth, cot death)
  • Dealing with a variety of feelings related to her pregnancy, birth or early months of being a parent
  • Discussing her pregnancy with others (e.g., partner, children, parents, religious or cultural groups)

Who is eligible?

Pregnancy support counselling through the Medicare scheme is available for females with a current or recent pregnancy (within the last 12 months) who have any concerns, such as decisions about the future, adjustment following the pregnancy, or general issues related to a pregnancy. Partners can also attend the counselling session, if appropriate.

Who can provide the service?

Psychologists who provide pregnancy support counselling are specifically trained in:

  • Non-directive counselling skills
  • Antenatal and postnatal counselling issues
  • Antenatal and postnatal information resources
Psychologists who provide this service have completed mandatory training in order to be recognised as a provider of this service.

How many sessions and how much do they cost? 

3 sessions are covered by Medicare, with each session being more than 30 minutes. Sessions at Mindsight Psychology Services go for 45 minutes and cost $135.00. The Medicare rebate is $59.85. Some bulk billed sessions may be available on doctor’s request.

If further sessions are required, they can be arranged on a private basis or under another scheme, such as Better Access to Mental Health.

How can I refer? 

No specialised form is required. A handwritten note or email will suffice. Doctors may email Heather Gow at Mindsight Psychology Services at Alternatively, there is an email referral form under the “For Doctors” tab on this site.